Digital Hammurabi

Megan Lewis has a B.A. from Birmingham University (UK) in Ancient History, an M.Phil. from the same in Assyriology, and an M.A. in Near Eastern Studies from the Johns Hopkins University. She attained ABD status in a Ph.D. program at The Johns Hopkins University, before deciding that her energies would be better spent elsewhere. She hopes to return to school and obtain her doctorate at a later date.
Megan takes care of the day-to-day running of the Digital Hammurabi YouTube channel and Podcast.
E. L. Meszaros is an internet writer and Ph.D. student in the History of the Exact Sciences in Antiquity at Brown University. She holds an M.A. in History of Science from the University of Chicago and an M.A. in Linguistics from Eastern Michigan University. Together with Sara Mohr, E.L. writes and presents the "Assyriology Today" series on the Digital Hammurabi channel.

Sara Mohr graduated with a Ph.D. student in Assyriology at Brown University, and with a BA from the University of Chicago. One of her primary research interests is the digital representation of the cuneiform record, work on which would not have been possible without support from the H.A.P.S. grant. She is passionate about public scholarship and is a regular contributor to the Digital Hammurabi channel as writer and presenter of the "Assyriology Today" series.